
Long Time, No Write

An update from Vava'u. I'm alive. Ha. I guess I've been pretty awful at the concept of blogging, being that the general idea is to give regular updates on what I'm up to, but no apologies, cause I've been living and things have been going.
A new year brings Peace Corps Vava'u a new group of great volunteers, new endeavors as a volunteer and a brand new energy all together. The past months have been as challenging as they come. A group of friends has left, a best friend has started a new adventure in New Zealand (shout out to Jman), and a girlfriend has left paradise and moved back to England. I've felt uncertainty about my motives for being here and my resolve to stay was tested. When things change (as they always do) the reaction is often to reach for what was good. So often we get caught up in reaching for the good we forget about all the good around us. I live in an amazing place; paradise! I still have a tremendous group of friends; Alistair, Jason, Steve and Stan, holding it down on Mt. Talau. And Group 74 brings a motivation and excitement for service that can be lost somewhat, after 18 months in country.
The challenges I've been facing aren't going to go away. It's one of the biggest reason I signed up for Peace Corps. I wanted to test my ability to live outside my comfort zone and for me to gain prospective and appreciation of what I have in my life and the opportunities I am looking forward to: backpacking through Southeast Asia, Portland, sustainable architecture; to name a few.
So my Dad commented recently asking for a blog update and that's where I'm at. I'll hopefully have some exciting updates very soon, along with pictures, because I know everything I write is only improved with a bit of eye candy. Things to look forward to from me: a new website; www.jamesiam.com, new blog design and many more blog posts (honest...), and lots of pictures of all the fun and exciting things I'm getting into during my last 9 months.
I'm excited about 2009, the projects that are hopefully happening at my school, the University of the South Pacific, hopefully a whale watching project to get children from Vava'u out on some donated trips, and another year of unknown and uncertainty. Thanks for checking up and check back soon for the latest and greatest.

'Ofa atu,