
I'm Freaking Out Man...

No, not really! I'm actually just really anxious and really excited. I went by where I use to work yesterday and got to see a bunch of folks that I had the pleasure of working with right out of school. One of my good friends from AOL came and picked me up and took me to lunch(yeah, super nice), since I am now with out a vehicular.

My plans were to keep it pretty low key this weekend, my last weekend in the USA. Now, I'm packing the college weekend (Thursday-Sunday) with about as much as possible. Between last hangouts with all my friends and of course my parents, there will be no sleep this weekend (hey, it's a 5 1/2 hour flight to LA and about 12 hours from LA to Tonga). I'm not such a huge video game person, but living with my good friend Troy, I've put in some time on the Xbox 360 and PS3. So it was appropriate that last night, our last night hanging out for a long time, we played video games. Well... one video game; Halo 3. I got over to the house around 5 and we started playing around 530 and didn't finish until almost 2... when we beat the game. Crazy, I know and tired I am, but it was a fun last night hanging out.

I'll definitely post again before I leave, but everyone that I've been able to see and say goodbye to in the last 2 weeks, I'm so glad I was able to and for those I've missed... Tonga's only a small $1200+ flight away - think about it!
