
DVD player is OSI!

Yeah, so the CD-RW part of my drive on my laptop is still working, but it won't play DVD's. Crap electronics that I have a love/hate relationship with. Never fear, Dad is on it. Gonna order a new snazzy, everyone has one now, not so new, DVD-RW drive and send it out South Pacific style (3-16 weeks). I should be sitting down to finish up Season 5 of 24, which I watched the first disc of (man, I'm in such anticipation; will Jack Bauer kill all the Russian terrorists, get the girl and save life as we know it. We should send Jack into a certain country in the middle east, come on Dubya, watch some TV, why don't ya).

Okay, in other news, we've got about a a month until our group 71 volunteers (I'm group 73) close out their two years of service and head home. It's gonna be sad to see them leave. It'll bring our numbers down considerably; 5 out of 14. If you see this guy around, buy him a drink, he's become a very good friend and he has done some really awesome things here in the Kingdom and loves spreading the word of peace.

* My Jack Bauer remarks - I'm neither for or against any political situation anywhere on the planet. I'm a Peace Corps volunteer, I have no opinion. It was a joke.