
My Paperwork is Done!

I've finally sent all of my paperwork to the Peace Corps office. I have had my medical paperwork done for about two weeks, but with all the traveling I've been doing, I started to slack about getting everything in; not good. I'm hoping that everything goes smoothly with the paperwork, because at this point I've spent a hell of a lot on Dr. appointments and would hate to half to spend more. I've read several takes on how long it takes to get medically cleared. Anywhere from 6 weeks to 4 months (we're hoping for 6 weeks).
After 2 months of traveling around the country, visiting most of my friends and family, I'm back in Virginia for most of the summer. I need to get a job for the summer; not to make money, but to stop spending my severance money from AOL (if you don't know, I was laid off in March). I also need to start thinking about putting my Land Rover up for sale, but I don't want to get rid of it until at least August.

Well, this should serve as a good update to where I'm at right now. I probably won't post again until I get some news from the Peace Corps; so 6-16 weeks (hahaha).

Sub-Saharan Africa

So, it looks like I'm going to Africa. I got my nomination the day of my interview, after listing off all that was available I chose Sub-Saharan Africa. My work will be in agriculture and environmental education, which I'm stoked about. As it sits right now, I'll be leaving the states and heading to Africa in September. I've been dealing with a full spectrum of opinions on my latest life decision. Of course there is the opinion that what I'm doing is amazing, which somehow always feels slightly awkward. I've also received a lot of flak from people, that wonder what the hell I am thinking. This can also be awkward. It's the people in between, the unexpected opinions, that are fun, because their the ones that ask questions that I don't know the answers to. This gives me more stuff to look up, which is awesome.
In January, when I started the application process, the idea of volunteering was so surreal, but now; now that 5 months has passed, the little fits of anxiety have kicked in (which is a good thing, because it makes it more real). At this point, most of the people in my life know that I've applied which is exciting. It's fun to see my friends and family get just excited about it as me. I've joined several groups on a bunch of Social Networks and they've been great for getting the answers to all the questions I have, along with meeting others that are in the application process.

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